Over two decades of convening, teaching, and developing innovative units for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in:
- Information & Communication Technology
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Communication Design
- 2D and 3D Image Processing in Computer Science, Games, Design and Animation
- Audio and Broadcast Engineering
- Social Science
- Research Skills
Teaching in 2025 |
-> Trimester 1: Extended Reality for Social Impact Design, Master of Creative Industries, SAE University College -> Trimester 1: Software Development Fundamentals, Dept. of Computer Science, SAE University College |
Information & Communication Technology
2024 – present Software Development Fundamentals, SAE University College | This unit provides an engaging and practical introduction to the fundamentals of software development, focusing on the concepts, methodologies, and processes involved. Students will learn about the software development lifecycle, various development methodologies, version control systems, teamwork, project management, and the importance of documentation. The unit is highly interactive, featuring a mix of case studies, group activities, and hands-on projects addressing the UNited Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that simulate real-world software development scenarios. Keywords: Software Development Life Cycle, Agile Development, Scrum
2024 Networking and Multiplayer Systems, SAE University College | This unit will equip students with the essential skills to create the backbone of multiplayer games and enable them to craft the architecture to seamlessly connect players across the web. Students will master network protocols, conquer latency, and ensure smooth data flow for a responsive and engaging gaming experience. The unit delves into client-server communication, unravel the mysteries of game state management, and empower students to write code that transmits game information efficiently. This unit will further foster creativity as students learn to design their own fast-paced multiplayer game. Get ready to collaborate with your team, brainstorm innovative mechanics, and push the boundaries of what is possible. Keywords: C++, C#, Unity Game Engine, Netcode for GameObjects, Network Topologies, Network Protocols, Latency, Bandwidth Limitations and Optimisation Strategies, Client Server Architecture, data Serialisation, Network Matchmaking Systems, Data Synchronisation, Network Libraries and Frameworks, Reliable and Unreliable Message Delivery, Network Bottlenecks and Performance Issues, Lockstep, Handling Disconnects and Reconnects, Network Optimisation, Profiling and Debugging.
2016 – 2021 Content and Technology Systems, Torrens University | This subject covers the use and customization of content and technology systems for the delivery of online content. Students learn how to generate flexible design solutions to present and manage complex and variable content. The subject introduces online content management systems and specialist development tools, and students will learn how to use and customize these systems and tools to meet specific design and project requirements. Students will further learn about hosting platforms, performance measurement and metrics systems for online content. Tools: HTML, CSS, javascript, MySQL, php.
2016 – 2021 Online Media Design, Southern Cross University | Introduces students to a critical understanding of the theory and practices of using digital communication techniques and processes to produce web- based convergent media productions. Students acquire skills in Web site design, construction and publishing with a focus on developing standards compliant online media content. Tools: HTML, CSS, javascript, MySQL, php.
2011 – 2012 Web Design, University of Southern Queensland | Tools: HTML, CSS, javascript, MySQL, php, GUI, Interface Design.
2005 – 2008 Web Design, SAE Institute | Modern web development is grounded in core technical practices that reflect practical studio requirements on one hand, and meeting needs of clients and users on the other. In this unit, students are introduced to these web design fundamentals. Students will study the core elements of interactive media authoring and the technical and social factors that affect interactive media product development. Topics will include working with script, development processes, effective workflows, the constraints of the medium and creating a variety of output formats. The unit is valuable as an introduction to the general needs of technical design practices, and specifically helps to scaffold all further technical development in the Web Design major.Applications: Dreamweaver, Text Wrangler, Adobe PhotoshopKeywords: HTML, CSS, Javascript, GUI, Interface Design, User Interaction, Marketing, SWAT Analysis, Design Theory
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) & Communication Design
2024 – present Extended Reality for Social Impact Design, SAE University College | This unit enables students to develop an understanding of theory and practice in XR technologies towards Social Impact Design, exploring the potential of Augmented and Virtual Reality applications and beyond. Students investigate existing practices, precedents, and frameworks to identify and address real world problems. Armed with this understanding of existing theory and practice, students develop their own applied XR concept designs and prototypes.
2024 – present Communication for Creative Media, SAE Creative Media Institute | This unit introduces you to academic writing and professional communication. This is important for your development as both a student and creative media practitioner. This unit explores the importance of style, tone and language use in your writing and audiovisual communication. Through projects that produce and analyse a range of professional documents and media, you will enhance the clarity and impact of your communication. You will learn the core principles of persuasive writing, academic research, and referencing and how to apply these in creative contexts.
2021 – 2023 Design Thinking, SAE Creative Media Institute | In this module you will learn about design thinking, and how to come up with creative solutions to real world problems. Design thinking is at the forefront of approaches to innovation in dealing with complex creative, business and social problems. You will learn about and apply the design thinking process to a project of your own, exploring design thinking concepts from the viewpoint of your professional practice
2021 – 2023 Thinking About Games, SAE Creative Media Institute | This module develops your critical understanding of games. Beyond technical and craft skills, expert practitioners also have an understanding of the historical and cultural context of games. Through developing your ability to research, analyse, argue, present, write, and cite games theory, you will become a more literate creative. This knowledge and these skills can be applied in industry and research settings, to benefit your projects and company.
2019 – 2020 Social Media Storytelling, Queensland University of Technology (OES) | This unit introduces the basic concepts, frameworks and techniques for effective storytelling and communication, via social media platforms. It examines how audiences engage with stories that unfold across multiple platforms. Additionally, it explains how to craft effective messages as compelling stories for target audiences, ultimately, the aim of effective communication. As a digital communication specialist, it is critical that you are able to reach and engage your target audiences, across multiple platforms, and in a variety of formats.
2019 – 2020 Debates in Digital Culture, Queensland University of Technology (OES) | Digital technologies have had a tremendous impact on our lives as individuals and members of larger societies. The debates surrounding these new and powerful technologies are often multi-faceted in their complexity. In this micro unit students will learn to critically examine and contribute to these debates, drawing on scholarly research to evaluate opposing perspectives and become critically informed digital communication professionals. Keywords: Filter Bubbles, Echo Chambers, Influencers.
2019 – 2021 User Centred Design, NAVITAS | In this Unit, you will learn to understand the user or target audience as part of your design process through exploring UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) design. By applying UX design tools such as personas and user journeys and UI design such as prototyping, iterating and testing, you will explore creating websites or apps that provide an ideal user experience. Knowing how to do user research and design digital interfaces effectively is essential for a contemporary designer. Keywords: UI, UX
2019 – 2021 Interaction Design, Torrens University | This unit blends coding skills with human-computer interaction. Students learn foundational interaction design principles for the development of graphical user interfaces, drawing from research in computer science, cognitive science, behavioural science and psychology to develop deeper understanding of user engagement, agency, immersion and guidance. Keywords: UI, UX
2017 – 2021 Data Visualisation, Torrens University | This subject introduces students to the theory and practice of Information Design. Students will visualise both quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of sources via linear and non-linear typography, signs, icons, pictograms and mapping techniques. They will explore theories and practical approaches that examine instructional systems, methods to convey instructions and complex information systems.Working individually students are required to research a number of given topics. They will analyse and process this information within the context of the LATCH organisational system, demonstrating their knowledge via the design of a series of visual graphics that dramatise both the research they have conducted and the skills they have gained.
2012 – 2019 Message, Meaning and Media, Torrens University | This subject expands the understanding of symbols, signs and semantic conventions within communication systems and media. Students are introduced to the history and application of semiotics and encouraged to review, relate and re-evaluate design and communication strategies within the context of de-constructing conventional thinking and design practices. There is particular reference to the cultural shift from words to pictures and the role of meaning in an evolving creative and technological environment. Students present individual and group solutions for the development of a system of symbols and information graphics.
2012 – 2016 Time, Space and Motion, Torrens University | This subject provides an introduction to the fundamental theory and practice of moving image and 3D design and production. Students will be familiarised with a basic set of tools and techniques for creating moving image sequences and 3D visualisations. Fundamental moving image, screen language and spatial design concepts are introduced, and students will use these concepts in conjunction with basic production techniques to communicate and convey narrative. The subject also introduces concept development techniques and materials specific to the development of motion and 3D design outcomes.Applications: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, iMotion, 123D Catch
2012 – 2016 Interactive Spaces, Torrens University | This subject continues the exploration of the theory and practice of interaction design for digital media. The subject covers core research and concept development methods for interaction design. Students will focus on interpreting and structuring information content for interactive non-linear presentation and delivery, and will also focus on visual aspects of interface design and the ways in which visual design affects end-user experience.Applications: Sketchup, Adobe After Effects, Maya, 123D Catch, Augmented Reality Aurasma
2012 – 2016 Design & Layout, NAVITAS | Visual design is grounded in a range of factors, with spatial composition being one of the most fundamental. Students will explore design processes that will enhance their ability to design layouts effectively by exploring and applying spatial approaches to colour, typography and grid systems in design. The unit is valuable as an introduction to the general practice of spatial composition, and specifically helps to scaffold further learning in the Design degree through support for developing awareness of spatial composition techniques and concerns. It will also provoke consideration of the role of spatial composition in problem solving, and support further development in effective visual analysis practices.Applications: Adobe Photoshop, In-Design
2D and 3D Image Processing in Computer Science, Games, Design and Animation
2020-present Virtual Reality, SAE Creative Media Institute | This unit introduces the theory and practice of virtual reality application development. You will understand the applications of virtual reality by examining existing practices, precedents, and frameworks. You will devise and develop a project-based prototype application designing an interactive simulated virtual world or experience.
2020-present Augmented Reality Applications, SAE Creative Media Institute | One filled with exploration and opportunity, fueled by curiosity in emerging technologies, and guided by purposeful user-design guidelines. There is much to know in the field of Augmented-Reality Applications, and this module introduces the theory and practice of mobile-based augmented-reality application design and development. Gain an understanding of the applications of augmented reality by examining existing practices, precedents, and frameworks. Critically analyse the impact and requirement of augmented reality from a users’ perspective.Solidify your confidence in AR through the production of a project-based prototype application, with a focus on layering virtual information or simulation onto the real world.
2018 – present Animation Theory and Practice, Southern Cross University | Develops students’ knowledge of the theory and practice of digital multimedia communication and production. Students apply previously learned skills in digital media by integrating text, still images, audio, video and animation, to the planning and development of a basic online animated production.
2014 – 2017 3D Design and Animation, Torrens University | This subject develops foundational skills in 3D design and animation. Students will undertake character and set design and development exercises, and will generate animated 3D graphic elements. In this way students will develop foundational skills in the principles and techniques of modelling, texturing, lighting and animation required to produce digital 3D characters, environments and props. The subject also explores key concept development stages typical to common 3D design briefs and projects.Applications: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After FX, Adobe Photoshop
2007 – 2008 Digital Imaging, SAE Institute | Keywords: Visual Art, Art History, Color, Shape, Layout, Print, Art Theory, Cognitive Aspects of Visual Art, Branding, Marketing, Graphic Design,
2005 – 2008 Graphic and Digital Image Processing, SAE Institute | Keywords: Visual Art, Art History, Color, Shape, Layout, Print, Art Theory, Cognitive Aspects of Visual Art, Branding, Marketing, Graphic Design, Photoshop, In-Design, Illustrator, Flash
2005 – 2007 Flash (CUS50209), SAE Institute | Keywords: Adobe Flash, Animation, Key Frames, Web Design
Audio and Broadcast Engineering
2020 – present Immersive Audio, SAE Creative Media Institute | Recent advances in Virtual Reality have created new environments for audio professionals to mix sound. The need for spatial audio, with head tracking and directionality is paramount in constructing authentic, immersive headphone listening experiences. New tools are becoming available at a rapid rate, and it is useful for audio engineers and music producers to master these new techniques. In this unit, you will investigate concepts for mixing binaurally decoded Ambisonic audio for headphone playback. You will look into head-tracking devices and develop your surround mixing skills. You will plan an Ambisonic surround mix for video, mix audio and embed with video using metadata to provide an immersive audio experience.
2012 – 2014 Post Production, SAE Institute | Keywords: Film Theory, Sound Design, Pre- and Post Production, Microphone Placement, Foley, Protools, Logic, Surround Sound, 5.1, THX, Dolby,
2006 – 2012 Audio Technologies, SAE Institute | Keywords: Sound Design, Pre- and Post Production, Microphone Placement, Foley, Protools, Logic, THX, Dolby, SMPTE, Synchronization,
2006 – 2009 Sampling and Synthesis, SAE Institute | Keywords: MIDI, Sequencing, Sampler, Synthesis
2006 – 2009 MIDI Sequencing, SAE Institute | Keywords: MIDI, Sequencing, Sampler, Synthesis
2005 – 2007 Introduction to Broadcast Engineering, SAE Institute | Keywords: Electronic Broadcast, Transmission, Formats, Radio, TV
2005 – 2007 Basic Sound Theory, SAE Institute | Keywords: Keywords: Sound Waves, Amplitude, Frequency, EQ, Harmonic Content, Flatcher Munson Curve, The Human Ear, Sound Perception, Psycho Acoustics, Destructive and Non-Destructive Editing, DAW
Social Science
2024 – present Intercultural Studies, SAE University College | Intercultural Studies is an important foundation study for twenty-first century creative practitioners. We live in a time in which we can pick and choose from a vast array of food, music, and other artefacts of culture. But does this smorgasbord of culture really reflect the diverse range of aesthetics and ontologies of human experience? This unit examines culture as an assemblage of texts rather than monolithic entities that align with national boundaries; an approach that allows us to consider subcultures and cultures of practice alongside more traditional notions of culture. Through reading and critical analysis of intercultural theory and exposure to a range of intercultural experiences you will develop your intercultural sensitivity and ability to conceptualise your own practice within culture. Through examination of case studies you will develop an understanding of the pitfalls and possibilities for intercultural projects and develop confidence about working in intercultural contexts for future creative applications.
2024 – present The Creative Economy, SAE University College | Around the world, the dynamics of globalisation have caused implications for media policy, impacting on financial flow and funding structures, and thereby the Arts, entertainment and information industries. This has given rise changing distribution practice, media consumption and representation across all demographics. To be an effective international creative producer, being cognisant of the governing socio-political economies and treaties that determine society’s cultural perspectives, is vital in nurturing success in the global landscape. The aim of this module is to develop your knowledge of the binary relationship between politics and the economy in international media, so as to enable you to understand their impact on the arts, culture and identity of a given society or nation.
2024 Creative Futures, SAE Creative Media Institute | Within creative industries (and society more broadly) there is a focus on the future, which often includes commentary on emerging technologies and dystopian views of what the future holds for humanity and the planet. DDX323 Creative Futures is focused on imagining possible futures, and exploring the future by connecting to the past and to place. The unit explores knowledge and practice in the creative industries relative to our changing social, cultural and technological structures. Students will explore ideas relating to place, time, identity and connection. Themes in this unit such as the pluriverse, transition design, and design ontology are introduced, as are contemporary Indigenous and posthuman ways of thinking. In particular, the focus is on ways of thinking and knowing, that are not predominantly based on conventional Western approaches to knowledge.
2021 – 2023 Critical Inquiry, SAE Creative Media Institute | Though critical inquiry, engagement and reflection upon creative media consumption and production, this module will give you the knowledge and the breadth of understanding that you need, to transform your creative practice. Drawing on a range of creative media texts and analytical frameworks, this module will engage with critical concepts and perspectives that influence the production and consumption of creative media, in a contemporary global context. Through critical inquiry, you will discover how creative media generates meaning and how interpretations of meaning can be articulated from various social and cultural perspectives. You will discover how these perspectives define your personal response to creative work. You will develop the skills to be able to apply an understanding of contextual parameters to support your own creative media practice. You will gain a professional perspective on a range of digital tools and collaborative media platforms. These tools and platforms will assist you with the critical consumption and dissemination of information and equip you with the skills needed to make a meaningful contribution to participatory culture.
Research Skills
2019 – 2021 Developing Research and Analytical Skills, Griffith University (OUA) | Keywords: report writing, research methods, referencing, information retrieval
2016 – 2017 e-Research Workshop for Post Graduate students and Research Staff, Macquarie University | Keywords: planning for information collection, management, retrieval and dissemination using discipline specific e-research tools and methods in the arts, humanities and sciences